Community & Connection

Well we are finally open! We have built our own businesses before but we have never undertaken anything like this. This was simply a dream, a lifestyle that would fit around homeschooling, create purpose in our lives and then share it with other like minded souls. Oh how it’s been so much more than that. It’s been ecstatic, horrendous, life changing and beautifully pickled with deep soul lessons gifted by the land and the stars.

Family has been my life calling. From a very young age I knew I wanted children, a home and maybe a husband! It may have had something to do with my own upbringing which saw myself and my sister be part of a care team for my lovely mum or it may have just been who I was. Whatever it was I knew family and the relationships around me were what I looked for and learnt from, and in another sense I have always looked at family as the idyllic life treasure that we should all be given unconditionally. Feeling supported, loved and nourished is after all our human basic needs. However we don’t all experience this and in varying degrees specifically in western culture we have lost the heartfelt importance of family and community.

I think when Leon and I started out with literally nothing except each other and the kids all those moons ago, we were lost without knowing it. Constantly striving for the dream house, the dream lifestyle and all the trimmings we were always going forward but missing that one vital ingredient……community heart.

I had already been manifesting for years and so we began the art together. What did we really want? Where did we want to be in 10 years time? What did our life in the future feel like? What were we grateful for now?

These were all answerable questions but then as most of us do, we had a life shake up and the answers floated around in different colours falling into an unknown chasm of anxiety. It wasn’t until the lock downs hit, we healed and then we finally discovered without a doubt that we didn’t want to be part of a mass community of fear, judgement, division or madness quite frankly. We wanted to show our children life was for living, breathing, learning, feeling love for everyone no matter what their belief.

The only way to do this was to create our own pocket of heaven on Earth. A place where we could meet the magic that has held my hand throughout my own life and gifted me an unshakeable faith in Mother Nature and all her secrets.

So we started looking for land and a house or was it a house with land? It was something that Leon picked apart and I felt into. Our combined skills of knowing when something was right were put to the test and after a year of financially jumping through hoops and waiting for the houses to go through we finally moved in to our piece of historically neglected land which surrounded a 400 year old thatched cottage.

I swear the thatch smiled at us as we swooned over our plans. It was as if the house knew something we didn’t. Sure enough our journey towards running a glamping business did not run smoothly nor did our journey of taking care of the land. To cut a long story short, I called in my shamanic teacher as well as doing my own work energetically with Leon and we slowly pieced back the love the house and land had been kept from for too long. Even now I still feel a sense of communication with our house, the land and all the living creatures on it. It’s something we are all capable of tapping in to and feeling. Language is not always delivered through the spoken word and learning the language of my environment has been the biggest joy of all.

After the healing, everything started to flow, we got our licence, the people we met had good intentions and the people that passed on to our land were able to feel what we felt. A kind of magic I can’t quite explain fully. It’s that sense of connection I think that people feel when they stay here. Connection with something deeper, beyond the surface crap of everyday life. We are reminded to run towards life, nestling ourselves in natures heartbeat, not run from death hiding from fear……what kind of a life is that for any of us?

I would love to tell you more about our journey and the stories I have but for now I’ve cut it all very short and just written a bit to give you an idea of what we’re about and who we are.

We welcome you and your loved ones to Nest and Nurture and hope that you find sanctuary for the little bits of time you carve out for yourself.

Love Jess


Courage and Self love by Nurturing your own Needs